This was a place that only you would know
Monday, August 25, 2008
This was a place that only you would know
Sunday, August 24, 2008
and it`s never been funny ever
Spaniard may love this summer of 2008
but i am trying to delete it from my book of life forever
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
How Much Are You Worth?
Let’s face it. You may declare to the world that you would only choose a job for the challenge and because it is your interest, but at the end of the day, part of what closes the deal is the salary you will receive.
What is a good figure?A pay negotiation is a part of any job interview. Don’t let it intimidate you. If you have been called for an interview, that means the company has seen something in your resume they like. With your foot in the door, all you need to do is to convince the interviewer that you are worth every cent you ask for.
To do this effectively, you should do some research prior to the interview and decide on the salary you would like to have, based on the following factors:
The salary range for your chosen profession
You can find salary information in official published sources like the annual Report on Wages in Singapore issued by the Ministry of Manpower ( Another option is to ask your friends, relatives, trade associations or recruiters — anyone who’s in the industry. You can even try calling the human resourcesdepartment of a company in your chosen industry. If you’re lucky, you may reach someone who’s sympathetic to your situation. Other sources of information include trade magazines and online job sites.
Your financial needs
Work out your monthly financial commitments. This includes expenses like transport, food, household, insurance premiums, donations, etc. Some figures will be estimates, but if you have been keeping track of your expenses, you would have no problem coming up with an average figure. The sum of these figures will be your total expenses for that month. From there, decide on your desired monthly savings, and you will arrive at the minimum figure you are able to accept. Accept a lower figure and you run the risk of having to struggle to juggle the figures towards the end of every month.
Job advertisements
Although not every job ad will include salary information, looking through them can give you an idea of what some employers are willing to give. Factor this into your decision-making, but don’t let it be your only consideration.
Company information
Knowing the company’s corporate philosophy, achievements, management profile, prospects for the future, etc. can give you an edge during a salary negotiation.
The negotiation process
There has been some debate as to whether one should state a desired salary in the job application letter. Many online job sites and career articles advise against this as you may give a figure that is way too high, thereby disqualifying yourself even before you step into the interview room.
Mr Jonathan Chee Fook Heng, Founder of AJ Management Services, a consultancy firm established in 1988, feels that whether one should disclose a preferred salary really depends on the situation. As a rule-of-thumb though, the best advice would be for you “to be forthright.” Generally, it is best to discuss salary matters during an interview, when both the applicant and interviewer are present. After all, that’s why it’s called a “negotiation”.
During an interview, when the question of salary is discussed, take note of the following:
Don’t negotiate for the sake of negotiating.
If the employer proposed a salary that meets your target, go ahead and accept it. Be decisive. Dragging out the negotiation process will only serve to frustrate your interviewer, and that does not work in your favour.
Never assume that your degree entitles you to a higher salary.
When there are two applicants who are equally matched, the one with relevant work experience or aptitude usually gets the job, so you wouldn’t want to price yourself out of the competition, especially when you don’t yet have much experience under your belt.
That said, be prepared to toot your own horn.
Your degree, skills and knowledge has earned you bragging rights, and it is up to you to tell the interviewer why you deserve a higher salary. No one else will be there to champion your cause.
If the interviewer can only offer you a salary that is lower than what you have expected, say so tactfully, but be prepared to take that as the interviewer’s final offer. When faced with such a situation, always be ready to compromise.
“If the applicant is a rare talent, I may offer additional incentives like shares, career advancement or other mutually agreeable alternatives,” says Jonathan. So, make sure that you are open to non-monetary compensation as well.
With these pointers in mind, strive for a win-win conclusion to the interview and salary negotiation process. End the discussion with both parties happy, and you’ll end up with a happier working environment.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Alkitab mempunyai kata menenteramkan di saat bahaya, sebuah kata penghiburan di saat malapetaka, sebuah kata terang yg memberi pengharapan dalam kegelapan. Nubuatannya diperbincangkan di majelis bangsa-bangsa, dan nasihat dan tuntunannya dibisikkan ke dalam telinga mereka yg kesepian. Yang jahat dan yang sombong gemetar terhadap peringatannya, tetapi bagi yang terluka dan bertobat Aliktab menyedikan suara seorang ibu.
Tidak ada orang yg akan miskin atau kerkucil yg memiliki harta kekayaan ini bagi dirinya sendiri. Apabila pemandangan menjadi suram dan para penziarah tiba di di lembah bayang-bayang, ia tidak akan takut masuk;ia mengambil batang dan tongkat Kitab Suci dalam tangannya, ia berkata kepada teman dan sahabatnya," Selamat tinggal, kita akan berjumpa lagi'; dan dihibur dukungan itu, ia melangkah menuju jalan lintasan yg sepi sebagai orang yg berjaln menembusi kegelapan ke tempat yang terang.
by Henry Van Dyke
seorang dosen, guru, professor, penyair dan juga hamba Tuhan yg banyak sumbangsih nya dalam Sastra Inggris Modern
Monday, August 11, 2008
15 Kiat Hidup Manusia
1. Musuh manusia yang terbesar adalah dirinya sendiri. (Amsal 16:32)
" Orang yang sabar melebihi seorang pahlawan, orang yang menguasai dirinya, melebihi orang yang merebut kota."
"Kecongkakan mendahului kehancuran, dan tinggi hati mendahului kejatuhan."
3. Kebodohan manusia yang terbesar adalah menipu. (I Yohanes 1:8)
"Jika kita berkata, bahwa kita tidak berdosa, maka kita menipu diri kita sendiri dan kebenaran tidak ada di dalam kita."
5. Kesalahan manusia yang terbesar adalah pelampiasan nafsu. ( Galatia 6:8)
6. Kemunafikan manusia yang terbesar adalah licik. (Keluaran 20:16)
"Jangan mengucapkan saksi dusta tentang sesamamu."
"Kini datanglah juga hamba yang menerima satu talenta itu dan berkata: Tuan, aku tahu bahwa tuan adalah manusia yang kejam yang menuai di tempat di mana tuan tidak menabur dan yang memungut dari tempat di mana tuan tidak menanam.Karena itu aku takut dan pergi menyembunyikan talenta tuan itu di dalam tanah: Ini, terimalah kepunyaan tuan!Maka jawab tuannya itu: Hai kamu, hamba yang jahat dan malas, jadi kamu sudah tahu, bahwa aku menuai di tempat di mana aku tidak menabur dan memungut dari tempat di mana aku tidak menanam?Karena itu sudahlah seharusnya uangku itu kauberikan kepada orang yang menjalankan uang, supaya sekembaliku aku menerimanya serta dengan bungan. Sebab itu ambillah talenta itu dari padanya dan berikanlah kepada orang yang mempunyai sepuluh talenta itu.Karena setiap orang yang mempunyai, kepadanya akan diberi, sehingga ia berkelimpahan. Tetapi siapa yang tidak mempunyai, apapun juga yang ada padanya akan diambil dari padanya.Dan campakkanlah hamba yang tidak berguna itu ke dalam kegelapan yang paling gelap. Di sanalah akan terdapat ratap dan kertak gigi."
8. Kebanggaan manusia yang terbesar adalah keuletan. (Hakim-hakim 8:4b)
"Ketika Gideon sampai ke sungai Yordan, menyeberanglah ia dan ketiga ratus orang yang bersama-sama dengan dia, meskipun masih lelah, namun mengejar juga."
9. Kehancuran manusia yang terbesar adalah putus asa. (Amsal 24:10)
"Jika engkau tawar hati pada masa kesesakan, kecillah kekuatanmu."
10. Kekayaan manusia yang terbesar adalah sehat wal'afiat. (Amsal 17:22)
"Hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur, tetapi semangat yang patah mengeringkan tulang."
11. Ketidakmampuan manusia yang terbesar adalah bayar hutang budi. (I Timotius 5:4)
12. Keluhuran manusia yang terbesar adalah memaafkan. (Amsal 19:11)
13. Kekurangan manusia yang terbesar adalah bersungut-sungut. (Yesaya 29:24b)
" orang-orang yang sesat pikiran akan mendapat pengertian, dan orang-orang yang bersungut-sungut akan menerima pengajaran."
14. Ketenangan manusia yang terbesar adalah murah hati. (Matius 5:7)
15. Kebajikan manusia yang terbesar adalah rela berkorban. (Yohanes 3:16)
"Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal."
dikutip dari buletin post nya ZULIE
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yearning Is a kind of Sickness
In a lifetime how many times are you too late
in discovering you’ve already lost what’s most important to you
Sudden realizations are long gone, why is it only after making mistakes
that you’re willing to believe that you are the one who was wrong
They say that’s just life, you have to try and learn from experience
Try enduring falling tears or you’ll hide yourself away from the feelings you should have
I can’t plead with the world to stop turning,
I know avoidance isn’t useful at all
It’s just that right now, especially at night,
I’ll still think of things that are hard to forget
I think my yearning is a kind of sickness, for so long I haven’t been able to recover from it
I often think I feel you breathing behind my ears, but I’ve never felt the breath of your deepest thoughts
excuses always increase the distance between us
Unwittingly, unknowingly, we’re always busy complaining and disobeying,
yet we’re unwilling to look back and examine ourselves
Thinking of what foolish things we’ve actually done,
perhaps it’s God testing me
It’s just that this wound requires a bit of time,
it’s just that I yearn for everything that has passed
Those people and things are far from me,
and we eventually will also find distance turned to memories
I often think I feel you breathing behind my ears, but I’ve never felt the breath of your deepest thoughts
Oh yearning is a kind of sickness, oh yearning is a kind of sickness, a kind of sickness
for how long have you not embraced the people you love
When this world is no longer so lovely,
only love can make things better
I believe, it’s still not too late, ignore those constant disruptions
Don’t make unhappy things stop your progress,
I’m just afraid you won’t speak, just afraid you won’t act
Don't let the regret continue, it’s still not too late
I often think I feel you breathing behind my ears, but I’ve never felt the breath of your deepest thoughts
Oh yearning is a kind of sickness, oh yearning is a kind of sickness, a kind of sickness